Wednesday, October 10, 2007

you know your life has changed when..

  • your mobile phone has become a mere alarm clock
  • you go to sleep 4 in the morn and get up at 4 in the evening.. and undergo 8 hours of gruelling classes and quizzes in between those times..
  • a maggi is all u can have if you r feeling hungry anytime after 9!
  • you blog wen you should study.. and you blog not because you want to blog but just to run away from studies
  • group studies is considered more important than individual studies , though individual performance is much much more important than group performance..
  • after writing a blog you change all "u"s to "you"s and so on to get your "yanko!" english out of the system and get back to good old victorian one..

is it my life or me that has changed?? i wonder....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

u know dat life has changed wen once long ago active u..have merely turned lazy bones....have ample to do...but gray cells deactivated upon mere mention of studies....n one bcums so numb n dumb...dat in d escapist process is unable even 2 xpress 1self n is readin n commentin upon sum1 else's blog!!!!!
i dun knw wat hav i tried sayin here but surely njoyed readin:)